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CPHRM Exam Format | CPHRM Course Contents | CPHRM Course Outline | CPHRM Exam Syllabus | CPHRM Exam Objectives

CPHRM Exam Information and Guideline

AHA Certified Professional in Healthcare Risk Management

Below are complete topics detail with latest syllabus and course outline, that will help you good knowledge about exam objectives and topics that you have to prepare. These contents are covered in questions and answers pool of exam.

- Assess the current state of patient safety and staff awareness within the organization
- Collaborate on proactive patient safety initiatives
- Safety Culture
- Just Culture
- Design, implement, and maintain educational programs on risk management and patient safety related topics

- Promote a culture of patient safety through education, policy development, and standardization of processes
- Educate providers, staff, employees, patients and families on the role of patients and families in improving patient safety and reducing risk
- Coach physicians, leaders, managers, and staff on appropriate disclosure methods and processes
- Participate in critical incident debriefing

- Participate in the development of corrective action plans and supervise follow-up of recommended improvements
- stemming from risk assessments
- audits and investigations of reported incidents
- Provide guidance to staff regarding any of the following:
- disruptive patient, family member and/or visitors
- informed consent
- substitute (Surrogate) Decision Makers
- minors consent
- release of information
- law enforcement
- subpoenas
- attorneys
- search warrants
- abuse allegations
- advance directives/orders for life sustaining treatment
- Manage an incident reporting and data analysis system for patient safety, patient complaints, and other risk events
- Provide risk management consultation for specific ethical dilemmas
- Maintain awareness of patient safety initiatives occurring locally and nationally
- Review documentation and assist providers/staff with appropriate documentation to mitigate risk

- Manage a broad comprehensive insurance program including such activities as captive management
- insurance
- insurance purchasing
- insurance consulting
- administering self‐insured coverages
- managing or coordinating the management of claims for all lines of insurance

- Oversee the investigation of accidents or circumstances that could lead to financial loss
- professional
- institutional
- general liability
- product liability

- Analyze historical loss experience; address trends
- Develop enterprise risk financing strategies to address the organization's areas of exposure
- general liability (GL)
- professional liability (PL)
- cyber liability

- Provide recommendations to reduce risk in contracts, ensuring adequate controls and obligations for insurance coverage are appropriate to the risk
- Ensure timely reporting of incidents according to insurance policy language

- Promote compliance with federal and state laws and regulations through policy development, guidance, or education
- Promote compliance with federal and state laws and regulations governing patient confidentiality through policy development
- guidance
- education including protected health information (PHI)
- Promote compliance with federal and state reporting requirements through policy development, guidance, or education
- abuse of vulnerable populations

- Promote compliance with federal and state reporting requirements governing violence in the workplace through policy development, guidance, or education
- Promote compliance with federal and state regulations/organization policy regarding the investigation and resolution of patient complaints or grievances through policy development, guidance, or education
- Collaborate with other departments by preparing and conducting quality and/or risk assessments to maintain a constant state of accreditation readiness

- Promote compliance with laws and regulations governing involuntary detention of patients through policy development, guidance, or education
- Promote compliance with the requirements of the following federal acts/regulations through policy development, guidance, or education:
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
- Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA/COBRA)
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB)
- Safe Medical Device Act (SMDA)

- Design a risk management data collection/analysis system to ensure timely reporting and monitoring of:
- device reporting and tracking logs
- regulatory inquiries
- Collaborate in the development of the organization's regulatory compliance plan to ensure workforce compliance of all applicable accreditation standards
- Promote, in partnership with Patient Safety and Medical Staff departments, programs that address provider and staff behavioral issues are culturally, legally and psychologically sound and non-discriminatory
- Participate in the development of responses to inquiries from regulatory and licensing agencies, and insurance companies

- Collaborate with leaders and security personnel on workplace violence prevention
- Conduct risk assessments to identify exposures related to new and existing services and enterprise‐wide services
- Establish a method for planning, evaluating, selecting, management, and on‐going evaluation of enterprise wide event reports of harm or near‐harm incidents
- Supervise and develop risk management staff

- Develop/maintain risk management department specific policies and procedures and modify as required
- Coordinate risk activities for the organization
- Develop annual institutional goals for the risk program/department
- Evaluate the effectiveness of risk management activities
- Develop policies and procedures for acceptance of legal documents
- summons
- complaints
- subpoenas
- court orders

- Support patient safety committee meetings by collecting and formulating relevant information to facilitate decision-making process
- Participate in professional association activities
- Understand the peer review, credentialing and privileging process
- Provide education/in‐service for staff, patients, families, communities on patient’s rights
- end of life decisions

- Collaborate on the development of policies and procedures which provide direction to the organization on topics which have a significant degree of risk
- Privacy
- Informed Consent
- Infection Prevention
- Documentation
- Telemedicine

- Maintain data collection and analysis systems including elements of reports of Potential Compensatory Events (PCEs), open and closed claims and loss runs
- Notify carriers and/or third-party claims and litigation department or administrators of potential compensatory events or actual claims
- Participate in claims management activities
- assignment of counsel
- setting loss reserves
- respond to discovery requests/interrogatories
- preparation and attendance for depositions
- mediation
- arbitration
- trials
- evidence/record preservation and management
- review and approve legal expenses

- Participate in evaluating claims to determine exposure to organization and the appropriate method for resolution
- Inform administration of high exposure cases and aggregate claims experience, including any impact to the risk financing program.
- Manage and maintain all information related to a potential or actual legal case under attorney/client privilege and protected from discoverability
- Manage the response to service of process and notify appropriate parties of such service
- Support insured defendants through all phases of the litigation process

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