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ABCTE Exam Format | ABCTE Course Contents | ABCTE Course Outline | ABCTE Exam Syllabus | ABCTE Exam Objectives

ABCTE Exam Information and Guideline

American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence Exam (PTK) 2025

Below are complete topics detail with latest syllabus and course outline, that will help you good knowledge about exam objectives and topics that you have to prepare. These contents are covered in questions and answers pool of exam.

The American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence believes that highly skilled teachers should possess a
comprehensive body of knowledge that is research-based and promotes student achievement. The Professional Teaching
Knowledge exam is designed to assess a new teachers knowledge of teaching-related criteria. Such knowledge is typically
obtained in undergraduate preparation in areas such as human development, classroom management, instructional design and
delivery techniques, assessment, and other professional preparation. This exam also contains a writing component that will
evaluate a candidates ability to write to audiences they will most likely address as a teacher: parents, colleagues, and/or
school administrators.


Participants must:

1. Hold a bachelors degree.

2. Pass the ABCTE Professional Teaching Knowledge exam.

3. Pass an ABCTE subject area exam.

4. Pass a background check.


Eligible scholarship applicants must:

• Have completed either 15 college credit hours in your chosen subject
area or have one year of teaching experience in your chosen subject area.

• Hold U.S. Citizenship or permanent residency.

• Not hold a renewable teaching license.

• Commit to teaching for 3 years in a Teach & Inspire partner district.

The right way to get started: using the Standards as your syllabusbr>
The Standards are your study lifeline; you can find them on your Account page under Courses > Review PTK Course. Throughout the course of your study, you will learn all of them. How to begin? Here is the American Boards Standards Stepwise method:br>
Approach in bite-sized chunks: dont be overwhelmed or paralyzed by how many standards there are, simply pick a topic of a domain and get>
Define the terms: take the first three items in the topic and make sure you know all the terms. Look up any you are do not recognize. After all, you cannot answer a question definitively if you dont even know the>
Use the appropriate recommended resources to probe deeper if you need better understanding. Use the Standards to target the sections you need to>
Check for understanding and reflect: think about how you would use this in a classroom or how you would teach the subject. Use your quizzes to check for understanding and move>
Wash, rinse, and repeat: once you finish a chunk of three, go back and attack the next>

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