CNAMB Exam Information and Guideline
CCI Certified Ambulatory Surgery Nurse
Below are complete topics detail with latest syllabus and course outline, that will help you good knowledge about exam objectives and topics that you have to prepare. These contents are covered in questions and answers pool of exam.
- Perioperative Patient Assessment and Diagnosis
- Informed consent or waivers
- surgical
- anesthesia
- blood
- photographs
- visitors
- Collect, analyze, and prioritize patient data
- vital signs
- pain assessment
- allergies
- lab values
- other medical conditions
- medical conditions for which they would need clearance
- previous relevant surgical management
- chart review
- NPO status
- family history of anesthesia problems
- Use age and sociocultural appropriate health assessment techniques to evaluate patient status
- interview
- observation
- communication barriers
- Conduct medication reconciliation
- preoperative meds
- home meds
- alternative/herbal meds
- medical marijuana
- alcohol use
- recreational drug use
- Conduct physical assessment
- skin integrity
- mobility
- body piercings
- implants/foreign objects
- Antibiotic stewardship
- Pain management
- multi-modal
- regional blocks
- Advance directives ( DNR, AND (Allow Natural Death) processes)
- Selection criteria
- sleep apnea
- infectious disease
- age
- Pre-surgery risk assessment
- medications
- previoussurgeries
- special needs
- comorbidities
- preop instructions
- Discharge needs
- home care
- durable medical equipment
- transportation
- care giver
- medications
- rehab
- Approved nursing diagnoses
- North American Nursing Diagnosis Administration [NANDA]
- Perioperative Nursing Data Set [PNDS]
- Preoperative Plan of Care
- Physiologic responses: Risk of infection
- Physiologic responses: Altered tissue perfusion
- Physiologic responses: Thermal regulation
- Behavioral responses
- Transcultural nursing theory
- cultural and ethnic influences
- family patterns
- spirituality and related practices
- Identify and plan for expected patient outcomes/postoperative needs
- responsible supervision
- transportation
- sleep apnea
- Community networking and institutional resources
- supplies
- equipment
- patient transfer agreements
- courierservice
- emergency services
- Conduct site preparation
- hair removal
- skin antisepsis
- Preoperative patient preparation
- IV
- removal of jewelry
- hair removal
- Intraoperative Care
- Optimize physiological responses of the patient
- Normothermia
- Infection prevention/control
- Perfusion
- Surgical procedure
- Wound healing
- Monitor and maintain patient and personnel safety
- Maintain the dignity, modesty, and privacy of the patient
- Utilize ergonomics and proper body mechanics in performing patient care.
- Chemical
- Fire
- Hazardous materials
- Radiation
- Smoke plume
- Energy generating devices
- Positioning
- Potential complications
- Patient/personnel safety
- Ergonomics/body mechanics
- Optimize patient care based on behavioral responses
- comfort
- anxiety
- pain management
- sociocultural and/or ethical issues
- Select procedure-specific protective materials and equipment
- lead aprons
- laser goggles
- smoke evacuators
- extinguishers
- Identify and control environment factors
- humidity
- noise
- temperature
- traffic
- Maintain a sterile field using aseptic technique
- Ensure the sterility of surgical products and instrumentation
- expiration date
- package integrity
- Aseptic technique
- Wound classifications
- Verify and document specimens with surgical team
- Prepare, label, and transport specimens
- Confirm, present, and prepare implants
- Prepare explants for final disposition
- Monitor and evaluate the effects of pharmacological and anesthetic agents
- Assist with anesthesia management
- induction
- airway protection
- extubation
- cricoid pressure
- Adhere to Universal Protocol
- time out
- WHO checklist
- National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs)
- Manage patient hemodynamic needs
- fluid replacement
- Prepare, label, and administer moderate and local sedation/analgesia with appropriate monitoring
- capnography
- pulse oximeter
- Communicate patientstatus and changes to interdisciplinary healthcare providers
- Utilize effective communication for continuity of patient care
- hand-off
- debrief
- Methods and requirements for reporting to interdisciplinary healthcare providers
- critical lab values
- medical condition
- medications
- allergies
- implants/implantable devices
- read back orders
- Information technology
- software applications
- security
- Barriersto communication
- patient
- family
- team
- chain of command
- Interdisciplinary services for care coordination
- nutrition
- wound care
- social work
- referrals
- transportation
- convalescent center
- physical therapy
- Evaluate patient status to facilitate transfer to the next level of care
- home
- rehab facility
- hospital
- 23-hour observation
- Document patient care
- Provide and document post-discharge follow-up communication according to regulatory guidelines
- Assist with management of:
- airway
- pain
- hemodynamic monitoring
- Pain management
- multi-modal
- regional blocks
- Select appropriate methods and products for processing
- Cleaning products and techniques
- manual washing
- ultrasonic
- Packaging techniques
- crates
- peel packs
- wraps
- Transportation of equipment, instruments, and supplies
- Perform and document disinfection procedures
- high-level disinfection
- decontamination
- Handle and dispose of hazardous materials
- chemo drugs
- radioactive materials
- Handle and dispose of biohazard materials
- blood
- tissue
- Perform and document sterilization procedures including biological and chemical monitoring
- load parameters
- steam sterilization
- low- temperature sterilization
- Perform and document immediate use steam sterilization (IUSS)
- Quality assurance testing
- washer-disinfector
- sterilizer
- Perform nursing interventions based on age-specific needs
- Coordinate members of the interdisciplinary healthcare team during internal/external emergency situations
- Preparation for and management of medical emergencies:
- Malignant Hyperthermia (MH)
- Preparation for and management of medical emergencies:
- Anaphylaxis
- Cardiac arrest
- Hemorrhage
- Roles ofthe interdisciplinary healthcare team during internal/external emergency situations
- triage
- community resources
- Preparations for and management of environmental hazards and natural disasters
- fire
- toxic fumes
- natural disasters
- terrorism
- power outage
- active shooter
- Acquire equipment, supplies, and personnel
- Coordinate and document preventive maintenance of equipment
- Monitor availability and sterility of supplies
- Perioperative resource management
- equipment
- supplies
- staffing
- Supervise, educate, and mentor healthcare team members
- Delegate perioperative tasks to appropriate personnel within their scope of practice
- Supervise non-OR personnel
- vendors
- students
- visitors
- family
- Adjunct roles, assigned staff, and responsibilities
- medication safety
- laser safety
- employee health
- Privacy officer
- Facility officer
- Risk manager
- infection prevention
- Role of non-perioperative personnel
- vendor
- students
- visitors
- family
- medical records
- admissions
- Scope of practice for the interdisciplinary team per regulatory agencies: Nurse Practice Act
- Monitor and assist with implementation of cost-containment measures
- Implement environmental sustainability practices
- reprocessing
- recycling
- Waste management
- reprocessing to include single-use devices
- supply standardization
- Ensure use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Oversee environmental cleaning
- spills
- room turnover
- terminal cleaning
- physical plant
- Track biological implants
- order
- reconstitute
- storage
- use/waste
- Radiation safety
- dosimetry badges
- time
- distance
- shielding
- lead protection
- Protect patient confidentiality
- Advocate for and protect patients’ rights
- Report unanticipated events and good catches
- Perform functions within scope of practice
- Comply with regulatory and accreditation guidelines
- life safety
- Local
- state
- federal regulatory requirements
- Demonstrate competency in perioperative nursing practice
- Acknowledge personal bias and limitations and seek assistance as needed
- Utilize standards and recommended practices
- Demonstrate evidence-based practice
- hand hygiene
- safe injection practices
- surgical attire
- Accreditation standards and organization guidelines
- AORN Guidelines for Perioperative Nursing
- Perioperative
- Explications for the ANA Code of Ethics for:
- Nurses
- Hand hygiene
- Safe injection practices
- Surgical attire
- Identify and take appropriate action regarding behaviors that undermine a culture ofsafety
- disruptive behavior
- Participate in professional development activities
- shared governance
- staff education
- committees
- certifications
- advanced degrees
- professional Organizations
- Risk management
- eventreporting
- good catch
- disclosure of unanticipated events
- recalls
- Safe Medical Device Act
- Quality improvement processes
- research
- data collection
- evidence-based practice
- performance improvement
- CMS quality measure
- reimbursements