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FAR Exam Format | FAR Course Contents | FAR Course Outline | FAR Exam Syllabus | FAR Exam Objectives

FAR Exam Information and Guideline

CPA Financial Accounting and Reporting

Below are complete topics detail with latest syllabus and course outline, that will help you good knowledge about exam objectives and topics that you have to prepare. These contents are covered in questions and answers pool of exam.

Within the Blueprints, you will find the following information for each Exam section:

Content organized by Area, Group and Topic along with score weighting

Sample task statements that represent what you may be asked to do when testing

Skill levels at which tasks are tested

Reference materials that support the sample task statements

Number of item types you must complete (multiple-choice questions, task-based simulations and written communication tasks)

Score weighting of each item type

Content area allocation Weight

I. Conceptual Framework, Standard-Setting and Financial Reporting 25–35%

II. Select Financial Statement Accounts 30–40%

III. Select Transactions 20–30%

IV. State and Local Governments 5–15%

Each Exam section is delivered in five smaller sections called testlets. Each testlet features different item types (see below) used to test your knowledge and skills. To learn more about how each section is organized, including when you can take a break, review the CPA Exam structure.

Exam Item Types

You will be tested during the CPA Exam using three types of test items that appear within specific testlets in each section.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ)

The multiple-choice portions are presented in the first two testlets of each Exam section.

Task-Based Simulations (TBS)

Task-based simulations are condensed case studies that test accounting knowledge and skills using real life, work-related situations. All task-based simulations are intended to assess knowledge and skills that are appropriate for an entry-level accountant. There are three TBS testlets in the AUD, FAR and REG sections, and two TBS testlets in the BEC section.

Written Communication Tasks

Written communication tasks appear only in the BEC section of the CPA Exam. For each of three written communication tasks, you must read a scenario and then write an appropriate document relating to the scenario. The instructions state what form the document should take (such as a memo or letter) and its focus. Your response should provide the correct information in writing that is clear, complete and professional.

Each of the four Exam sections is broken down into five smaller sections called testlets. These testlets feature multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and task-based simulations (TBSs). In the case of BEC, you also have to complete three written communication tasks. The number of MCQs and TBSs tested varies depending upon the specific section taken. You will receive at least one research question (research-oriented TBS) in the AUD, FAR and REG sections. To complete them, you will have to search the related authoritative literature and find an appropriate reference.



During each Exam section, you will be offered a 15-minute break after the first TBS testlet. This is about midway through the section (two hours). You may accept this break and pause the Exam timer or you may continue testing. To accept the break, click the “Take a Break” button. During this break, you must leave the testing room and follow all Prometric security rules. The Exam timer will restart when the 15-minute break ends.

In addition to the 15-minute break, you may also take optional breaks after all other testlets but you cannot pause the Exam timer. The timer will continue to run.

The Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) section of the Uniform CPA
Examination (the Exam) assesses the knowledge and skills that a newly licensed
CPA must demonstrate in the financial accounting and reporting frameworks
used by business entities (public and nonpublic), not-for-profit entities and state
and local government entities.

The financial accounting and reporting frameworks that are eligible for
assessment within the FAR section of the Exam include the standards and
regulations issued by the:

• Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)

• U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (U.S. SEC)

• American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)

• Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)

• International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)

A listing of standards and regulations promulgated by these bodies, and other
reference materials that are eligible for assessment in the FAR section of the
Exam are included under References at the conclusion of this introduction.

Content organization and tasks

The FAR section blueprint is organized by content AREA, content GROUP and
content TOPIC. Each group or topic includes one or more representative TASKS
that a newly licensed CPA may be expected to complete in practice.

Tasks in the FAR section blueprint are representative. The tasks are not
intended to be (nor should they be viewed as) an all-inclusive list of tasks that
may be tested in the FAR section of the Exam. Additionally, it should be noted
that the number of tasks associated with a particular content group or topic
is not indicative of the extent such content group, topic or related skill level
will be assessed on the Exam. For example, the topic titled “Notes to financial
statements” in Area I includes two tasks that are intended to encompass the
required disclosures for any topic in the FASB Accounting Standards Codification,
while the group titled “Leases” in Area III includes eight tasks that are limited
to the accounting requirements in the Leases Topic of the FASB Accounting
Standards Codification. The number of tasks included in the blueprint for this

group and this topic is not intended to suggest that “Leases” are more significant
to newly licensed CPAs or will be tested more than the “Notes to financial
statements.” Similarly, examples provided within the task statements should not
be viewed as all-inclusive.

Content allocation

The following table summarizes the content areas and the allocation of content
tested in the FAR section of the Exam:

Overview of content areas

Area I of the FAR section blueprint covers FASBs Conceptual Framework, FASBs
standard-setting process and several different financial reporting topics. The
financial reporting topics include the following:

• General-purpose financial statements applicable to for-profit entities,
not-for-profit entities and employee benefit plans under the FASB Accounting
Standards Codification

• Disclosures specific to public companies including earnings per share
and segment reporting under the FASB Accounting Standards Codification
and the interim, annual and periodic filing requirements for U.S. registrants in
accordance with the rules of the U.S. SEC

• Financial statements prepared under special purpose frameworks as described
in AU-C Section 800 of the Codification of Statements on Auditing Standards
Area II of the FAR section blueprint covers the financial accounting and
reporting requirements in the FASB Accounting Standards Codification that are
applicable to select financial statement accounts.

• To the extent applicable, each group and topic in the area is eligible for testing
within the context of both for-profit and not-for-profit entities.
– If significant accounting or reporting differences exist between for-profit
and not-for-profit entities for a given group or topic, such differences are in
representative not-for-profit tasks in the blueprint.

Area III of the FAR section blueprint covers the financial accounting and
reporting requirements for select transactions that are applicable to entities
under the FASB Accounting Standards Codification and the IASB standards.
• The testing of content under the IASB standards is limited to a separate group
titled, “Differences between IFRS and U.S. GAAP.”

• To the extent applicable, the remaining groups in the area are eligible for
testing within the context of both for-profit and not-for-profit entities.
– If significant accounting or reporting differences exist between for-profit and
not-for-profit entities, such differences are in representative not-for-profit
tasks in the blueprint.

Area IV of the FAR section blueprint covers GASBs conceptual framework as
well as the financial accounting and reporting requirements for state and local
governments under the GASB standards and interpretations.

Section assumptions

The FAR section of the Exam includes multiple-choice questions, task-based
simulations and research prompts. When completing questions in the FAR
section of the Exam, candidates should assume that all of the information
provided in each question is material. In addition, candidates should assume
that each question applies to a for-profit business entity reporting under U.S.
GAAP unless otherwise stated in the fact pattern for a question. For example,
questions that apply to not-for-profit entities specify the nature of these entities

as “not-for-profit” or “non-governmental, not-for-profit.” Questions that apply to
IFRS include phrases such as “under IFRS” or “according to IFRS.” Questions
that apply to the state and local governments include phrases such as “local
government,” “state,” “municipality” or “city.”

Skill allocation

The Exam focuses on testing higher order skills. Based on the nature of
the task, each representative task in the FAR section blueprint is assigned
a skill level. FAR section considerations related to the skill levels are
discussed below.

Skill levels

Evaluation The examination or assessment of problems, and
use of judgment to draw conclusions.


The examination and study of the interrelationships
of separate areas in order to identify causes and find
evidence to support inferences.

Application The use or demonstration of knowledge, concepts
or techniques.

Remembering and
The perception and comprehension of the
significance of an area utilizing knowledge gained
Remembering and Understanding tasks are in all four areas of the FAR blueprint.
These tasks, such as identifying transactions and financial reporting requirements,
frequently require newly licensed CPAs to demonstrate their comprehension of
accounting concepts and standards. Area IV has the highest concentration of
remembering and understanding tasks.

• Application tasks are in all four areas of the FAR blueprint. These tasks, such as
preparing journal entries and financial statements, frequently require newly licensed
CPAs to use accounting concepts and standards to measure and recognize financial
statement amounts.

• Analysis tasks are in Area I, Area II and Area III of the FAR blueprint. These tasks,
such as reconciling account balances, interpreting agreements and detecting
financial reporting discrepancies, frequently require newly licensed CPAs to
demonstrate a higher level of interpretation. Area I and Area II have the highest
concentration of analysis tasks.

The representative tasks combine both the applicable content knowledge and the
skills required in the context of the work that a newly licensed CPA would reasonably
be expected to perform. The FAR section does not test any content at the Evaluation
skill level as newly licensed CPAs are not expected to demonstrate that level of skill in
regards to the FAR content.

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