CNA Exam Information and Guideline
Certified Nurse Assistant 2025
Below are complete topics detail with latest syllabus and course outline, that will help you good knowledge about exam objectives and topics that you have to prepare. These contents are covered in questions and answers pool of exam.
Tests/Quizzes (Totals make up 25% of your overall grade)
Chapter Tests 100 points ea.
Chapter Quizzes (if given) 25 points ea.
Major Exams (Totals make up 25% of your overall grade)
Mid-term 500 points * Must have a 75% in class to take – must score 75% on test
Skills Final 400 points
Final 500 points * Must have a 75% in class to take – must score 75% on test
Classwork/Homework (Totals make up 25% of your overall grade)
Homework 50 points/week
Skills/Lab 50 points/per skill day
Career Portfolio 100 points
Research papers 100 points
Oral presentations 100 points
Employability (Totals make up 25% of your overall grade)
Weekly class employability grade semester 1 40 pts. /day = 200 points a week)
Weekly class employability grade semester 2 40 pts. / day = 120 points a week)
Weekly clinical employability points semester 2 40 pts / day or 80 pts on Saturday
Major Exams: The Arizona State Board of Nursing has determined that all students must achieve at least 75% or better on all major examinations. In keeping with the BON standard, the EVIT standard for NA students is that students score at least 75% on all major exams as well as maintain a 75% overall class average. Students scoring less than 75% on either the Mid-term or the Final Exam are considered to have failed and may petition the instructor to re-take the exam. Only one re-take will be permitted. Re-takes will be administered the next school day. The re-take exam will address the same competencies as the first exam but with different questions. The maximum score that will be posted in the grade book for a re-take exam is 75%. Students with a permanent score of less than 75% for the midterm exam will be referred to the counseling department. It is the students responsibility to arrange a time with the teacher if they need to re-take a major test due to a failing
grade or to make-up a major test due to an excused absence.
Successful Completion Requires:
1. Students must demonstrate 100% accuracy on all skills taught in lab/ clinical setting
in order to receive “Pass” for this portion of the Program.
2. Students must maintain 100% attendance rate in class/clinical. (If student misses a
class they will have to wait until that class day is offered again and it is not
guaranteed it will be available in the next class)
3. All Students must complete 100% of the clinical hours
4. All Students must get at least an 80% or above on all quizzes and exams when given
5. All Financial obligations to school must be satisNied before sitting for CNA State exam
or accreditation testing or before receiving a completion of Achievement CertiNicate.
Course Objectives • Communication and Interpersonal Skills • Infection Control • Safety/ Emergency procedures- including, but not limited to the
Heimlich maneuver • Promoting Residents independence • Respecting residents rights • Taking and recording vitals signs • Measuring and recording height and weight • Caring for the residents environment • Caring for residents when death is imminent • Recognizing abnormal changes in body function and the importance of
reporting such changes to a supervisor • Bathing • Grooming • Dressing • Toileting • Assisting with eating and hydration • Proper feeding techniques • Skin care • Transfers, positioning and turning • Modifying aides behavior in response to residents behavior • Identifying development tasks associated with aging process • How to respond to residents behavior
• Allowing the residents to make personal choices • Identifying psychiatric disorders • Techniques for addressing the unique needs and behaviors of
individuals with dementia • Communicating with cognitively impaired residents • Understanding the behavior of cognitively impaired residents • Appropriate responses to behavior of cognitively impaired residents • Methods of reducing the effects of cognitive impairments • Training the residents in self care according to the residents abilities • Use of assistive devices in transferring, ambulation, eating & dressing • Maintaining range of motion • Proper turning and positioning in bed and chair • Bowel and Bladder training • Care and use of prosthetic and orthotic devices • Providing privacy and maintenance of conNidentiality • Promoting the residents right to make personal choices to
accommodate their needs • Giving assistance in resolving grievances and disputes • Providing needed assistance in getting to and participating in resident
and family groups and other activities • Maintaining care and security of residents personal possessions • Promoting the residents right to be free from abuse, mistreatment and
neglect, and the need to report any such instance to appropriate facility
staff • Avoiding the need for restraints in accordance with current professional