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C2090-317 Exam Format | C2090-317 Course Contents | C2090-317 Course Outline | C2090-317 Exam Syllabus | C2090-317 Exam Objectives

C2090-317 Exam Information and Guideline

DB2 11 System Administrator for z/OS

Below are complete topics detail with latest syllabus and course outline, that will help you good knowledge about exam objectives and topics that you have to prepare. These contents are covered in questions and answers pool of exam.

Exam Name IBM Certified System Administrator - DB2 11 for z/OS

Exam Code C2090-317

Duration 90 mins

Number of Questions 58

Passing Score : 38 / 58

- Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of the installation/migration plan process

- Ability to identify additional environments necessary (WLM, Unix system services, XML schema support, RACF or equivalent, SMS)

- Given a scenario, describe how to execute the installation/migration plan

- Evaluate appropriate subsystem parameter (DSNZPARM) settings

- Evaluate appropriate migration to extended RBA/LRSN tasks

- Given a scenario, demonstrate knowledge of how to protect DB2 subsystem and resources (implementing external security only)

Knowledge of various System authorities

Support for distributed identities, connection level security enforcement

Program authorization and masking including enhancements

- Describe auditing techniques (policies)

- Describe role-based security and the advantage of deploying it (trusted context)

- Describe how to use and manage DB2 components and processes (adminitrative task scheduler) (REPAIR, STOSPACE, DSNJU003, DSN1COMP)

- Demonstrate knowledge of DB2 commands

- Given a scenario, describe how to monitor and control DB2 threads

- Knowledge of DB2 data sharing system operation and maintenance

- Knowledge of distributed functionality

- Demonstrate knowledge of advanced backup and recovery (system level, data set level, undo, redo, backup, flash copy, DSS, HSM, DSNJU004, DSN1COPY, DSN1LOGP, DSN1PRNT, Extended RBA, etc.)

- Given a scenario, describe how to recover from system failures (restart, conditional restart)

- Describe the process for disaster recovery

- Describe DB2 data sharing recovery scenarios

- Knowledge of consideration/impact of extended and non-extended RBA/LRSN tasks

- Given a scenario, analyze performance

- Demonstrate knowledge of how buffer pools and system parameters (DSNZPARMs) can affect performance - concurrency

- Demonstrate knowledge of persistance threads (bind parameters, reallocate, protected threads)

- Demonstrate knowledge of statistics, tools, and traces used for monitoring (trace definitions)

- Given a scenario, describe techniques to achieve efficient use of memory (flash memory, large buffer pools) Statement Cache (Dynamic, Static, EDM Pool)

- Demonstrate knowledge of workload manager (WLM) settings for DB2

- Knowledge of RUNSTATS (autonomic, manual, RTS, and feedback)

- Knowledge of Reorg in the context of system tuning and performance (system level settings, subsystem parameters, reduction of indirect references)

- Knowledge of specialty engines and how they affect performance (ziips)

- Given a scenario, describe which documentation can be used to solve a problem

- Demonstrate knowledge of DB2 commands and traces for troubleshooting

- Describe how to identify distributed threads

- Demonstrate knowledge of diagnostic utilities (REPAIR, DSNJU003, DSN1CHKR)

- Given a scenario, identify and resolve DB2 data sharing problems

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