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H19-301 Exam Format | H19-301 Course Contents | H19-301 Course Outline | H19-301 Exam Syllabus | H19-301 Exam Objectives

H19-301 Exam Information and Guideline

HCPA-IP Network (Huawei Certified Pre-sales Associate-IP Network)

Below are complete topics detail with latest syllabus and course outline, that will help you good knowledge about exam objectives and topics that you have to prepare. These contents are covered in questions and answers pool of exam.

Certification Summary

HCPA-IP Network certification is targeted at the sale of Huawei enterprise network IP datacom products.

The HCPA-IP Network certification curriculum includes, but is not limited to the following:

Huawei campus switch, data center switch enterprise routers, WLAN products, network management product features and highlights, the basic business functions, the park network structure and Huawei basic configuration and deployment of IP products, the typical application scenarios and so on.

With HCPA-IP Network certification, you demonstrate a good understanding of Huawei IP datacom products and the personalized needs of customers, whats more, you also demonstrate the IP datacom product designing capability.

With engineers who are HCPA-IP Network certified, enterprises are able to sale, guide the Huawei enterprise network IP datacom products, can carry on the typical solution creation, and can satisfy customer's general business requirements for these products.


On completion of this program, the participants will be able to:

Exam Objectives | Course Outline | Syllabus

Describe Huawei enterprise network solutions

Describe Hardware features of Huawei series switches

Describe highlights of Huawei series switches

Understand Huawei switch application scenarios and sales policy

Describe Hardware features of Huawei series routers

Describe highlights of Huawei series routers

Understand Huawei router application scenarios and sales policy

Understand Wi-Fi 6 key technologies

Describe hardware features of WLAN products

Describe highlights of WLAN products

Understand Huawei Wireless Solution

Understand WLAN product application scenarios and sales policy

Describe hardware features of Huawei security products

Describe highlights of Huawei security products

Understand Huawei security product application scenarios and sales policy

Apply eDesigner & SCT tools in configuration and quotation

Apply DemoCloud platform in POC demonstration.

H19-301 Exam Dumps Detail

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