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CPM Exam Format | CPM Course Contents | CPM Course Outline | CPM Exam Syllabus | CPM Exam Objectives

CPM Exam Information and Guideline

NARM Certified Professional Midwife 2025

Below are complete topics detail with latest syllabus and course outline, that will help you good knowledge about exam objectives and topics that you have to prepare. These contents are covered in questions and answers pool of exam.

Exam Details:
- Number of Questions: The number of questions in the CPM (Certified Professional Midwife) exam may vary depending on the certifying organization. Typically, the exam consists of multiple-choice questions, and the exact number can range from 150 to 250 questions.

- Time: The duration of the exam can also vary depending on the organization. Generally, candidates are given a set time limit to complete the exam, which can range from 3 to 5 hours. It is advisable to refer to the specific guidelines provided by the certifying organization for accurate information regarding the exam duration.

Course Outline:
The CPM certification program is designed to assess the knowledge and skills required to practice as a professional midwife. While the specific course outline may vary depending on the certifying organization, the following topics are typically covered:

1. Midwifery Philosophy and Principles:
- History and philosophy of midwifery
- The role and responsibilities of a certified professional midwife
- Legal and ethical considerations in midwifery practice

2. Pregnancy and Prenatal Care:
- Anatomy and physiology of pregnancy
- Prenatal assessments and screenings
- Antenatal care and education for expectant parents

3. Intrapartum Care and Delivery:
- Stages of labor and childbirth
- Monitoring maternal and fetal well-being during labor
- Techniques for supporting natural childbirth and managing complications

4. Postpartum Care:
- Postpartum physiological changes and recovery
- Breastfeeding support and education
- Newborn care and assessments

5. Newborn Care and Neonatal Resuscitation:
- Neonatal assessment and resuscitation techniques
- Newborn screening and immunizations
- Common newborn conditions and interventions

6. Complications and Emergency Situations:
- Recognition and management of obstetric emergencies
- Complications during labor and birth
- Communication and collaboration with healthcare professionals in emergency situations

7. Professional Practice and Ethics:
- Professional standards and guidelines for midwifery practice
- Business and legal aspects of a midwifery practice
- Cultural competency and sensitivity in providing care

Exam Objectives:
The objectives of the CPM exam typically include:

1. Assessing Knowledge: Evaluate the candidate's understanding of midwifery principles, practices, and essential knowledge areas.

2. Testing Clinical Skills: Assess the candidate's ability to apply theoretical knowledge to clinical scenarios and make appropriate decisions in various aspects of midwifery care.

3. Evaluating Critical Thinking: Assess the candidate's critical thinking skills in evaluating evidence, problem-solving, and making sound clinical judgments in midwifery practice.

4. Certifying Midwifery Competencies: Provide a recognized certification for individuals who demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and competencies required to practice as a certified professional midwife.

Exam Syllabus:
The specific exam syllabus for the CPM may vary depending on the certifying organization. However, the following topics are typically included:

1. Midwifery Philosophy and Principles:
- History and philosophy of midwifery
- Midwifery models of care
- Legal and ethical considerations in midwifery practice

2. Anatomy and Physiology:
- Female reproductive system
- Fetal development and physiology
- Physiological changes during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum

3. Prenatal Care:
- Prenatal assessments and screenings
- Nutrition and exercise during pregnancy
- Education and counseling for expectant parents

4. Intrapartum Care:
- Stages of labor and childbirth
- Comfort measures and pain management techniques
- Monitoring maternal

and fetal well-being during labor

5. Postpartum Care:
- Postpartum physiological changes and recovery
- Breastfeeding support and education
- Newborn care and assessments

6. Newborn Care:
- Newborn assessment and examinations
- Common newborn conditions and interventions
- Neonatal resuscitation techniques

7. Complications and Emergency Situations:
- Obstetric emergencies and management
- Complications during labor and birth
- Communication and collaboration with healthcare professionals in emergency situations

8. Professional Practice:
- Professional standards and guidelines for midwifery practice
- Business aspects of a midwifery practice
- Cultural competency and sensitivity in providing care

CPM Exam Dumps Detail

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