COCN Exam Information and Guideline
WOCNCB Certified Ostomy Care Nurse
Below are complete topics detail with latest syllabus and course outline, that will help you good knowledge about exam objectives and topics that you have to prepare. These contents are covered in questions and answers pool of exam.
- Psychosocial factors affecting care
- patient and caregiver ability to learn and perform care
- economic implications
- education
- coping skills
- Surgical procedures
- ileal pouch-anal anastomosis [IPAA]
- continent reservoir
- low anterior resection [LAR]
- total proctocolectomy
- abdominal perineal resection [APR]
- Surgical indications
- cancer
- inflammatory bowel disease [IBD]
- necrotizing enterocolitis
- trauma
- perforation
- ischemia
- Specialty population considerations
- neonatal
- obstetric
- pediatric
- bariatric
- differently abled
- Identifying and supporting patient and caregiver goals
- Evaluating ability to provide self-care
- manual dexterity
- vision
- cognition
- Marking and selecting stoma sites
- abdominal contours
- clothing choices
- pouching options
- lifestyle
- surgical procedures
- Fecal diversion
- colostomy
- ileostomy
- continent pouch
- Urinary diversion
- urostomy
- continent pouch
- orthotopic neobladder
- Stomal complications
- prolapse
- retraction
- necrosis
- hernia
- Peristomal complications
- mucocutaneous separation
- dermatitis
- pyoderma gangrenosum
- Surgical complications
- dehiscence
- infection
- ileus
- Percutaneous tubes
- nephrostomy
- gastrostomy
- surgical drain
- Fistulae
- enterocutaneous
- colocutaneous
- vesicocutaneous
- Principles of patient-centered care
- psychosocial issues
- access to care and supplies
- cultural beliefs
- Evaluating the effectiveness of the current treatment plan
- Setting patient-focused goals
- Containment modalities
- pouches
- absorptive dressings
- Skin health and protection
- crusting
- skin barrier
- Fluid and electrolyte balance
- Medication management
- Dietary management
- Interpreting patient responses to interventions
- Modifying interventions based on revised patient needs and goals
- Interpreting lab values
- Utilizing securement techniques
- Coping mechanisms
- Changes in body image
- Available health care resources
- support and advocacy
- supply access
- post-acute care
- Engaging in active listening
- Assessing verbal and nonverbal cues
- Colostomy management
- irrigation
- closed-end pouches
- odor
- Ileostomy management
- fluid and electrolyte management
- food blockage
- medications
- Urostomy management
- mucus
- stents
- bedside drainage
- Continent diversion management
- intermittent catheterization
- irrigation
- Effluent quality, type, frequency, and volume
- Complication management
- crusting
- cauterization
- accessories
- convexity
- Stoma types
- end
- loop
- temporary
- permanent
- Bridging systems
- rod
- loop
- Selecting pouching systems and accessories
- evaluation of body contours
- stoma construction
- patient preference
- Applying pouching systems and accessories
- Collecting urine specimens from ileal conduits
- Managing stomal and peristomal complications
- crusting
- cauterization
- accessories
- convexity
- Fistulae management
- Etiologic factors
- surgery
- infection
- obstruction
- Crohn’s disease
- Medications
- Nutrition
- Monitoring fluid and electrolyte balance
- Applying containment devices
- pouches
- absorptive dressings
- Protecting perifistular skin
- crusting
- skin barrier
- Percutaneous tube management
- Securement techniques
- Managing complications
- dislodgement
- hypertrophic tissue
- blockage
- leakage
- Preoperative education
- surgical procedures
- lifestyle changes
- stoma management
- stoma site marking
- Postoperative education
- pouching
- activity
- intimacy
- nutrition
- peristomal skin health
- Health literacy
- Patient and caregiver goals
- self-care
- reliable pouch wear time
- activity
- Transitions of care
- Supply and information resources
- Specialty population considerations
- neonatal
- obstetric
- pediatric
- bariatric
- differently abled
- Educating the patient and caregivers on ostomy, fistula, and tube management
- Developing plans of care
- Factors affecting optimal ostomy management
- high output
- ineffective pouching
- peristomal skin injury
- Patient and caregiver goals
- self-care
- reliable pouch wear time
- activity
- Transitions of care
- Educating health care clinicians and providers on ostomy, fistula, and tube management principles and procedures
- fluid and electrolyte management
- medications
- nutrition
- Developing plans of care
- supplies
- pouching
- Plans of care
- Available health care resources
- support and advocacy
- supply access
- post-acute care
- Recommending referrals for other services
- rehabilitation services
- nutritionist
- social services
- mental health professional